It all started one horrible wet night when Anne Evans (MAG’s founder) and a friend were driving south on the A1 to attend an art demonstration by Charlie Evans in Grantham. In driving rain and heavy traffic Anne’s car broke down and while waiting for a knight in fluorescent jacket to appear a decision was made: it would be much better to have an art group closer to home so that journeys in the cold, wet winter evenings could be a thing of the past.
Anne already had a few friends that she knew painted so she thought it wouldn’t be too difficult to start a group around Muskham. After a phone call to the SAA (Society for All Artists) for advice, South Muskham village hall was booked, adverts were posted, friends were contacted and the SAA sent out mail shots. The result was an inaugural meeting of about 30 enthusiastic people of mixed abilities. By the end of the meeting many volunteers had filled key roles and the new group was born. Two weeks later in February 2001 Muskham Art Group held it’s first meeting. Two months later Charlie Evans came and gave a demonstration!
Over the years MAG has been growing and gaining strength with many of the original members still in attendance.