
What’s on at Muskham Art Group in 2024

Click here for dates of meetings

At the Muskham Art Group the emphasis is on friendly sharing of interests and experience. We do all we can to make sure that there is an informative programme of events.  We meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 09:45am to 12:15pm in South Muskham village hall.

Once every two months our group tutor, Lynne Whitfield, is on hand to give members expert help and advice on any problems or issues they may have with their art.

At some meetings we have demonstrations by visiting professional artists on various topics. Scroll down the page to see past demos and workshops to give you an idea of the range we cover. Non-members are more than welcome to join us for demonstrations and workshops. Places are often limited for workshops so contact us early to make sure you get a place. As always it’s “first come, first served”.

On 27th February, Geoff Rose will demonstrate how seemingly ordinary things found on the beach can be turned into exciting and thought provoking pieces of artwork.Taking pieces of sea glass, pebbles, driftwood etc he fashions them into charming pictures evoking memories of the seaside so
loved by us all. We are invited to bring our own pieces to build into a unique worwk of art.

On March 7th Andrew Geeson is returning by popular demand to run a loose watercolour workshop showing us how he paints buildings.

On May 28th Jackie Whall will be giving a drawing demo She will demonstrate how she produces those all important first steps be it a portrait, still life or an abstract. Observation is key to establishing shape and form by the manipulation of light and dark. Charcoal is a versatile but messy medium. That being said, it is wonderful for getting down broad enthusiastic marks that can be quickly manipulated with fingers and erasers.

On June 6th Lynne Whitfield, our in house tutor will be showing us how to use acrylics to bring to life cheeky Puffins. As always the workshop will be filled with fun and laughter as we get
to grips with these beautiful birds.

Jackie Whall returns on September 26th with her popular “Speedy Paintings” in either oils or acrylics. This workshop is designed to take the fear out of portraits by concentrating on shape and form rather than getting an exact likeness. So much fun!

The final one workshop of the year on November 7th features the effervescent Julian Bray. He’ll be
encouraging us to focus on creative composition by mix and matching images you’ve always wanted to paint but didn’t know how to start. We will be using a selection of mediums.

Meeting Dates 2024:

Date What’s On Visiting Artist/Medium & Topic
Jan 9th Meeting  
Jan 23rd Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)
Jan 30th New Year’s Social Lunch 12:30 for1:00 pm at The Lord Nelson, Gainsborough Rd, Winthorpe, NG24 2NN
Feb 13th Meeting  
Feb 27th Demo Geoff Rose
Mar 7th Workshop (watercolours) Andrew Geeson
Mar 12th Meeting  
Mar 26th Meeting  
Apr 9th Meeting  
Apr 23rd Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)
May 14th Meeting  
May 28th Demo Jackie Whall drawing
Jun 6th Workshop (acrylics) Lynne Whitfield
Jun 11th Meeting  
Jun18th Summer Social Lunch 12:30 for1:00 pm at The Lord Nelson, Gainsborough Rd, Winthorpe, NG24 2NN
Jun 25th Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)
Jul 9th Meeting  
Jul 23rd Meeting  
Aug 13th Meeting  
Aug 27th Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)
Sep 10th AGM  
Sep 24th Meeting  
Sep 26th Workshop (oils or acrylics) Jackie Whall
Oct 8th Meeting  
Oct 22nd Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)
Nov 7th Workshop (composition) Julien Bray
Nov 12th Meeting  
Nov 26th Meeting  
Dec 10th Meeting Lynne Whitfield (tutor)


Our Tutor:

Our tutor Lynne Whitfield, visits us once every other month to give one-to-one tuition to anyone who like some help, guidance or constructive criticism.

Since retiring as an Intensive Care Nurse, her passion has been painting and teaching art in all mediums. She regularly holds workshops and teaches at many art groups within the region. Lynne says she gets a real joy from watching artists gain confidence and development in their painting styles. You can see some of her work at or look for her on Facebook or just Google Lynne Whitfield artist.


Past demos and workshops:

In 2010 we booked Vic Bearcroft on 23rd March to show us how he uses pastels to produce a stunning American Indian. Mike Webster came on 22nd June to demonstrate how to paint a seascape in acrylics. We had our annual pilgrimage to Mike Webster‘s house on 3rd September – great painting and yummy food. We always have good weather there too!  We had an all day workshop with Vic Bearcoft on 9th September which was booked because members enjoyed his demonstrations so much. On 23rd November Matthew Palmer came and give a demo on painting a winter scene using watercolours. He will be back in 2011 to give another demo or a workshop.

On January 20th 2011 Vic Bearcroft held a workshop where we produced paintings of a tiger using velour paper and pastels. Tas Severis gave an acrylic workshop on 21st July and Mike Webster gave an oil workshop on September 8th.

On February 28th 2012 Lynn Norris came and gave us a demo for the first time. Hopefully, this will be the first of many. April 19th saw the return of the ever popular Vic Bearcroft. He hosted an all day workshop in pastels. Our old friend Mike Webster gave a demonstration and workshop on 7th June.

In 2013 Vic Bearcroft hosted a workshop on February 21st. where we will pained a bird of prey. We had a Terry Harrison workshop on May 16th, a Mick Lakin workshop on September 26th and a Liz Hayward demo on November 26th.

In 2014 Gwen Scott came to run an all day workshop in Pen and Ink on February 20th; on 10th June we invited Dave Woolass back to give a demo followed by a workshop; on 25th September we had a workshop with Tony Hogan and on 11th November Gareth Watling, the ornithological artist, was here demonstrating his amazing skills.

In 2015 on April 23rd Vic Bearcroft made another welcome visit to the club to run a workshop either in pastels or pen and watercolour. On 12th May Geoffrey Herrickx showed us his amazing miniatures.On September 8th  Anne Barnham demonstrated her watercolours. Liz Haywood held a watercolour workshop 19th November.

In 2016 we had a workshop with Gareth Watling in February and Mike Warren gave a demo in April. Gareth showed us how to paint his exquisite birds. Gwen Scott came to see us again on October 27th to do a workshop in watercolours. We successfully painted a large flower in Gwen’s lovely loose style. In December Ron Freeman  orgainised a paint-along session.

In 2017  Vic Bearcroft makes a very welcome return visit for a pen and ink with watercolour wash workshop on February 2nd. Lynne Whitfield came for the first time to our group to give us a demonstration on March 14th. July 25th saw Vic Beacroft back again to give us a demo using cloured charcoal.  On April 6th there was be an oil workshop with Jackie Whall. On November 23rd we will had a landscape workshop with Phil Biggs.

In 2018 on Thursday 8th February Gareth Watling made a return visit to run an acrylic bird painting workshop. April 19th saw Lynne Whitfield back again for a loose watercolour workshop. Andrew Farmer gave a still life demo in charcoal on March 13th. He also held a workshop on July 5th. This was an interesting one that got a lot of people out of their comfort zones!!! On August 14th Jackie Whall was here for a demo. She painted a portrait using only five colours.  On November 8th Vic Bearcroft held a workshop in pen and ink with coloured charcoal. The subject was a lion. This workshop was not to be missed as most of us had never used couloured charcoal before.

In 2019  we had a watercolour demo followed by a workshop with Stephen Coates on February 12th. The topic was be reflections.  Our very own Alwyne Thorpe held an acrylic workshop on May 16th. On June 4th we had an outdoor painting session led by Alwynne Thorpe at Pearson’s Nursery Collingham.  After a very popular workshop Stephen Coates made a return visit on Auguat 13th to give a talk on composition. On 7th November Tim Fisher visited us for a pastel workshop.

In 2020 we had a Julian Bray demo on transparency on January 28th and a watercolour workshop with Phil Biggs using moody weather as the topic on February 27th. Then COVID struck and we were in lockdown.

In 2022 Lynne Whitfield ran a watercolour and acrylic workshop on 19th May. This was a protrait of a beautiful redhead. Julian Bray was back for a much awaited second workshop on September 9th.

In 2023 Jackie Whall ran a workshop on May 11th on painting speedy portraits in oils or acrylics. On August 17th 2023 we welcomed back our old friend Vic Bearcroft who ran a pastel workshop. November 14th saw Andrew Geeson here for a loose watercolour workshop. 


Jan 25 Meeting